# isEmptyEmbed

function isEmptyEmbed(embed): boolean

Returns true if all embed parameters that specify content are equal to the default value.

# embed

interface embed = {  
	title?: string,
	author?: {name: string, iconURL?: string},
	thumbnail?: {url: string},
	description?: string,
	fields?: Array<{name: string, value: string, inline?: boolean}>,
	image?: {url: string},
	footer?: {text: string, iconURL?: string},
	timestamp?: Date,
	video?: {url: string}

# Example

embed = {};
output = isEmptyEmbed(embed);
// true

embed = {color: "#00ff00"};
output = isEmptyEmbed(embed);
// true

embed = {title: "Some content"};
output = isEmptyEmbed(embed);
// false

# Real example

const embed = new EmbedBuilder({
    title, url, author, thumbnail,
    description, color, fields,
    image, video, footer, timestamp

if (!isEmptyEmbed(embed)){
	message.embeds = [embed];